
HomePlus! and other tidbits

I just got back from my 2nd trip to HomePlus today - the 1st time I went with two teachers from the school; the 2nd, I decided I needed to brave it on my own. It turned out ok, I would say though. It was definitely more interesting the 2nd time :)

Genius that I am, I forgot gloves back in the states. So I had to go on a hunt to find them at HomePlus. Being a foreigner, I had no idea where gloves would be in the clothing department. A nice lady working there saw the confused look on my face and tried to help. So I mimed gloves…needless to say, the point didn’t cross the language barrier. 3 HomePlus worker ladies, a nice Korean man who spoke some English and LOTS of laughing by almost all involved, I was directed to gloves. I found a pair that fit me, too! I’d call that a great success :)

This time around, I bought fabric softener and detergent, dish soap, and some other food-related odds & ends. I bought some coffee that I honeslty don’t know if it is brew or instant, but I’ll find out in the morning! I can’t be going to a coffee shop every morning – I spent as much for a bag of coffee as a large cup would cost at a coffee shop. I feel satisfied with my decision though :) I just hope it tastes good! It’s hazelnut, so I’m really hoping it does.

Other funny facts from the day...
- I used a Christmas stocking I found in the cupboard as an oven mitt. I originally thought it was an oven mitt & only found out it wasn’t upon use.
- I startled more than one person with my appearance. Most amusingly, 2 small children. They did a very obvious double-take, their small mouths agape. It was adorable! I assume they don’t see many foreigners, much less ones of my height. And I’m thinking my assumption is true, as the number of foreigners I saw today I could count on one hand (and that’s including me)
- I had to watch a YouTube video to figure out how to work my washing machine. The one I have wasn’t exactly like the one in the video, but the characters were similar enough that I could work it out. And after lots of fiddling, button pushing and a few trips to Google Translate, I figured out how to turn it on. I’m so proud of myself :)

The excitement of the day has worn me out, for sure. So for now, I’m going to make some dumplings, look over class material, unpack a smidge so I can find clothes I want to wear, and relax. I think I might be getting the hang of this whole Korea thing :)

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